
Almost sure synchronization for stochastic memristive neural networks


丰建文 教授(深圳大学js33333金沙线路检测)





In this talk, we will introduce the almost sure synchronization of the drive-response stochastic memristive neural networks (SMNNs) with time-varying delays. Based upon the related theory of stochastic differential dynamics, some simple yet generic sufficient conditions are derived to guarantee the almost sure synchronization of drive-response SMNNs. Furthermore, some applicable corollaries obtained from the main result are drawn directly for considering other circumstances, such as multi-dimensional Brown motion case. In addition, as a special case of SMNNs with delays, the issue of SMNNs without delays has been considered here. Different from previous cases, a more effective and simpler method is proposed to realize the almost sure synchronization for the special scenario. Finally, numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the main results.